ENTRY: alfavaca

CLASS: noun

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ocimum gratissimum

EQUIVALENT: basil, clove basil, wild basil

DEFINITION: African Aromatic herb similar to basil whose leaves are especially used in the North for seasoning fish and meat.

EXAMPLE: Add the tomatoes, cilantro, parsley, scallions, basil, and sururu.

SOURCE: Brasil: Gastronomia, Cultura e Turismo

COMMENT: Very appreciated in the Amazonian cuisine, this scented herb is usually used fresh, but can also be found dried. It is called gratissimum (favorite, welcome) for its easy adaptability to different kinds of soil and climate. African basil can be substituted for (sweet) basil (Ocimum basilicum) with minor changes to taste.

CLUSTERS: chopped (fresh) basil; hand-torn basil; basil leaves