ENTRY: pequi

CLASS: noun

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caryocar brasiliense

EQUIVALENT: pequi, souari nut

DEFINITION: Aromatic orange-sized fruit native to the Cerrado with seeds coated with yellowish pulp used to make savory and sweet dishes.

EXAMPLE: Peel the souari nuts, place them in a saucepan with oil or lard, garlic, and onions, place over low flame and fry, stirring constantly, until onions and garlic are ligtly browned.

COMMENT: With distinctive aroma and taste, pequi is much loved in the cuisine of Minas Gerais and Goiás.Sold fresh or preserved to be used in savory dishes or sweets, it is the main ingredient of arroz de pequi, typical of Goiás. The frozen pulp can also be found in supermarkets. Eating fresh souari nut demands skill. Its pit has thorns which may hurt inexperienced eaters.

CLUSTERS: preserved souari nut; preserved pequi