ENTRY: guaraná (1)

CLASS: noun
DEFINITION: A round reddish Amazonian fruit with an edible dark seed which is powdered to make energizing products such as carbonated drinks.
EXAMPLE: Add the water and guarana syrup mixture, stirring constantly.
SOURCE: Brasil: Gastronomia, Cultura e Turismo
COMMENT: The edible part of guarana is the black seed within some white, fleshy pulp. It has long been a part of the indigenous diet. The natives roast the seeds and grind them. In order to preserve the powder for a longer period, this powder can be mixed with warm water to form a stiff paste. This paste is then shaped into sticks which, after smoked, are grated with the rough tongue of a large fish, pirarucu. The resulting powder is then mixed with water or fruit juice to produce a drink with high energy levels, which the ancient natives attributed to supernatural powers. Nowadays, it is well known that guarana is a very rich source of caffeine. Guarana is available in a variety of forms, including a very popular and refreshing carbonated soft drink of the same name, a syrup, in capsules, in sticks and in powder which is mixed to other drinks or used to flavor cakes. Nowadays, it is appreciated worldwide for the recognized energizing, and attributed aphrodisiac power.
CLUSTERS: guarana cake [bolo de guaraná]; guarana syrup [xarope de guaraná]; guarana powder [pó de guaraná]