ENTRY: fubá

CLASS: noun

EQUIVALENT: cornmeal

DEFINITION: White or yellow flour obtained from dried ground corn grains, used to make mushes, polenta, bread, cakes etc. and to thicken soups.

EXAMPLE: Add the remaining cornmeal to the saucepan and mix well; cook for another 10 minutes, mixing vigorously.

SOURCE: The Brazilian Table

COMMENT: From the Kimbundu (one of the Bantu languages spoken in Angola) fuba, which means ‘flour’, the term fubá may also refer to a fine type of rice flour, also known as farinha de arroz. There are different grinds of cornmeal: the finely ground flour is called fubá mimoso (corn flour) and the coarsely ground one is called fubá grosso. A staple food of Brazilians, cornmeal is widely used to make bread, cakes, soups, mushes, polenta etc. Different from flaked cornmeal (farinha de milho), fubá is made from raw dried corn, demanding longer cooking time.

CLUSTERS: cornmeal mixture; add the cornmeal gradually, stirring constantly; white cornmeal; fine cornmeal; cornmeal cake; yellow cornmeal.

SUBENTRY: fubá mimoso


SUBENTRY EQUIVALENT: corn flour finely ground cornmeal

SUBENTRY EXAMPLE: Mix corn flour and all purpose flour with sugar in a bowl. Heat milk with oil and pour over dry ingredients. mixing until dough is homogenous.

SUBENTRY SOURCE: Sabores Brasileiros